Cilcain Show Mountain Race

Cilcain Show Mountain Race – 31st August, 2015.


Despite a significant deluge overnight and early drizzle the Cilcain Show in 2015 was a held on a dry but cloudy day. Fortunately this didn’t put off vistors to the show or competitors to the race. The “village show + mountain race” formula is a winning combination around the country and no more so than in Cilcain. This year over 150 people waited eagerly on the start line for the 6th running of a revised course introduced in 2010. A fair number of spectators were around the start area adding to the sense of anticipation for some and dread for others.


Being the penultimate round of the North Wales Series fell race series meant that a fair number of competitors were after points against others competing in the series and so this further ensured a strong field was presented.


So it was that at around 13:00 the runners set off out of Cilcain. The first mile or so included no real climb and quickly some of the faster runners stretched out the field considerably. After the first mile things got interesting. A gravel track approached the open more side and the gradient quickly increased. The climb includes some steep sections where tactics are required; these sections are narrow and was in position getting past the runner in front is tricky.


Finally the summit is reached and the descent is actually longer than the climb and offers some challenges of its own including section of slippy grass on a precarious gradient and rutted muddy tracks gnarled with stones – often damp and apparently almost frictionless! This section obviously suits the fell runners but often the road runners have their revenge – the final run back to the church along a track and eventually back on tarmac again. The last push uphill to the church is tough though fortunately goodly numbers of spectators shout their encouragement – walking is not an option!


As always Buckley should be proud of their efforts – full results  – apart from Hazel – corrupted spreadsheet on web site:


2nd – Jez Brown – 33:25

10th – Simon Edwards – 36:19

17th – Andy Pritchard – 38:00

35th – Justin Romero-Edwards – 40:41

49th – Steve Bellis – 42:21

51st – Hayley Evans – 42:37

100th – Andy Worthington – 49:14

102nd – Dawn Urquhart – 49:22

124th – Phil Tugwell – 53:42

145th – Rob Mackey – 61:56


The majority of runners then enjoyed the village show with its unique attractions – include dog neutering – which was not quite enough to put me off my post-cake burger.

Buckley managed to snag two prizes – well done to Justin and Hayley!





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