What’s On – Monday 13th – Sunday 19th November 2023

The training sessions are planned specifically with improvement and development at the forefront. We are planning on putting on more sessions soon, so keep checking this page. New runners are encouraged to come along and try some of our sessions before joining the club, so come along and give it a go, we’re a friendly bunch.All runners are also advised to carry contact details such as a park run bar-code at all times when running in organised club sessions.

Please note that due to the darker evening’s now, Hi-viz is required for all evening sessions.

Tuesday 14th November

  • Group 1: Intervals : Interval Session 6 x 1km –  Meet at the bollards Mold Road at the bottom of Liverpool Road CH5 3GU 6:30pm ( Group lead Eric Campbell and Les Coathup). Suitable for ALL abilities Link to location map 
  • Group 2: Intervals : Interval Session 6 x 1km–  Meet outside St John’s Church next to Buckley Common 6:30pm  ( Group lead Chris Callaghan). Suitable for sub 40 min 10k or sub 19 min 5k runners Link to location map
  • Group 3: Social run: Roughly 10-11 minute per mile pace – Meet outside Medical Centre opposite Buckley common 6:30pm (Group lead Nicole van den Wittenboer)  Link to location map

Wednesday 15th November

  • Wednesday off road Social Run at a different location each week. Start time 7PM. If interested please contact Amanda Boyd via Facebook Messenger for more information.
Thursday 16th November
  • Thursday morning run. A mixture of hill reps, timed tempo runs and steady/easy running around a 2k loop Meet at Penymynydd Church/School at 10:30am. (Group lead Eric Campbell) Suitable for ALL abilities Link to location map
  • Group 1: 9 mile run at around 7:30 minute per mile pace. Meet outside St John’s Church next to Buckley Common at 6:30pm. (Group lead Chris Callaghan ) Link to location map
  • Group 3: Social run: Roughly 10-11 minute per mile pace – Meet outside Medical Centre opposite Buckley common 6:30pm (Group lead Nicole van den Wittenboer)  Link to location map

Saturday 18th November

Welsh Inter-Regional Cross Country Championships – Newtown. A number of runners from Buckley have been selected to represent the north Wales team.

Sunday 19th November

  • 5-6 mile social run around Hawarden Woods Meet at Tinkersdale Car Park Hawarden for 9:15am (Group lead Eric Campbell) Suitable for runnners of ALL abilities Link to location map


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