Following the change in Welsh Government advice and using guidelines from Welsh Athletics, the Club Committee is pleased to announce the resumption of Club Training sessions.
However, there are firm guidelines that we have to follow to allow us to resume training in a safe and timely manner. ALL CLUB MEMBERS who intend to join a session must read and understand this document.
Return to Running. Information for participants in Buckley Runners training events (Under Covid-19 regs)
Capacity at training sessions is severely limited. Group sizes are limited to 12 and can only take place under the direct supervision of a Responsible Person who is conversant with the protocols required by Buckley Runners risk assessment and general requirements of Welsh Athletics and Welsh Government.
To participate you must
- Be a paid up members of Buckley Runners (Non-members not permitted to run at present)
- Register with the Responsible Person prior to the event
- Provide the Responsible Person with your details for Track, Trace and Protect. This is your full name (as on WA registration) WA registration number, contact number (mobile or home number or ICE number (In Case of Emergency)). This must be provided and recorded separately for every activity.
NB. This data is collected solely for the purpose of Track, Trace and Protect. It will be shared with Welsh Athletics and NHS Wales if required. We will retain it for 30 days then it will be destroyed. - You should not participate if you are showing any symptoms of Coronavirus (e.g. high temperature, new persistent cough, loss or change to taste.
During the training session you must
- Follow the instructions from your activity leader (Responsible Person).
- Maintain social distancing (between group members and with third parties) at all time (before, during and after)
- Avoid contact with any objects e.g. gates, handrails, signs. Do not sit on seats in public areas.
- You must not share towels, drinks or articles of clothing.
- No spitting.
- Arrive changed and ready to start their session at their allocated time. (There are no changing or toilet facilities) No clothing to be left at the start or finish area.
- Remain in your car until it is time for your run. If you are warming up please ensure that social distancing is observed.
- Respect other people in the community. Stop to let them pass if necessary.
- You must leave the finish point immediately after finishing
- Not have contact with other groups who may be training in the same area.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitisers before and as soon as practical after the run.
- Runners should not share lifts unless individuals are from the same household.
- Ideally you should carry ICE cards with you whilst running.
Rhaid i chi fod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylw.